Even a visit from the Grim Reaper hasn’t unnerved Bitcoin Holders
This small community of unknowns is immune to BTC FUD, emerging from this battle as the future ‘Soldiers of Fortune’ who STILL AREN’T SELLING. No matter how bad the War gets.
Despite the price falling from grace, around 2/3 of all Bitcoin STILL HASN’T SWITCHED accounts, which means nobody in this crew is selling.
Though over 79% down from last year, investors have still been buying tiny portions and then moving them off the exchange into cold storage. Higher frequency purchases are evident, as minimal stealth amounts are still occurring.
Perhaps the DCA methodology has sunk in from existing seasoned holders, or new, more cautious players are buying across a multitude of wallets….
While FTX sent many retail investing dumping sizable amounts, some well-known Crypto funds were forced to fall because of the FTX-Black Swan. Some stealth investors are buying but doing it ‘MUSHROOM STYLE ‘… as in, they’re growing in the dark.