6 MONTHS After Lehman’s Collapsed on September 2008, the S&P500 dropped 45%. , before the bounceGoldman Sachs recently reported a recovery by Q2 -2023 ( in 6 MONTHS’ Time )
Mike Wilson, the Equity Strategist and Chief Investment Officer for Morgan Stanley, has also predicted that the bear market in U.S. stocks could conclude June 2023 ( around 6 MONTHS Time )
With the Collapse of FTX and the hearings just starting, the bottom of the Crypto Market is predicted to drop a further 40-45%, which puts the bottom in around 6 MONTHS times, taking Bitcoin to the 10k range, as we expected.
Mark Mobius, the “godfather of emerging markets,” has predicted that Bitcoin will plummet as much as 40% in 2023. This means he also believes it will leave Bitcoin potentially dropping from its current $17,000 before falling to around $10,000.